Herend Canada
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Herend Canada
5A Beaver Ave
Toronto, ON M6H 2E9
Tel: +1-647-687-6830
Bestseller Herend Decors
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This item is a special order item. Should you need this item by a certain date, please email or call 647-687-6830 and we will try to accommodate your request.
This pattern was named after a Swiss town on the banks of Lake Geneva. The ancestors of this decor first appeared at the end of the 18th century, on ware from a pottery workshop founded there by Jean-Jacques Dortu.
This highly animated pattern consists of flowers twinning round a gold thread that runs round the rim, their nodding cups, swaying leaves and twisting tendrils weaving all over the surface of the porcelain.
Warm and cool shades contrast in the fresh blue of the morning glories, the bright yellow of the centres of their cups and the brownish green of the cheerfully curling leaves. This is what makes this airily romantic pattern so fresh and attractive.
Dimensions (W×H×L): 205 × 25 × 205 mm (8.07 × 0.98 × 8.07 in)
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Herend Canada
5A Beaver Ave
Toronto, ON M6H 2E9
Tel: +1-647-687-6830
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