Herend Canada
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Herend Canada
5A Beaver Ave
Toronto, ON M6H 2E9
Tel: +1-647-687-6830
Bestseller Herend Decors
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Herend Mandarin Fish Reserve Collection
Limited edition of 150.
Named after the colorful robes of Imperial Chinese officers (mandarins), these fish are surprisingly shy considering their appearance. But in nature colorful rarely means life-of-the-party and these fish use their kaleidoscopic brilliance to alert others to their less than appetizing taste (they are covered in a smelly mucus that protects them from disease but also makes them taste bad). A fish seemingly designed for the painter’s brush, the artists at Herend have used multiple techniques to beautifully immortalize this exotic reef-dweller.
Measures 8½” w x 4″ d x 4″ h.
Dimensions (W×H×L): 105 × 115 × 220 mm (4.13 × 4.53 × 8.66 in)
Your direct line to us:
Herend Canada
5A Beaver Ave
Toronto, ON M6H 2E9
Tel: +1-647-687-6830
Copyright © 2022 Herend Canada
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